Steady-Light Solar Simulator

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PVLogo smallComplete I-V measurement system offered by PV Test Solutions is based on any of the steady-light solar simulators manufactured and/or offered by Photo Emission Tech., Inc. from California, USA. Though basically simulators are classified as either A or B class according to IEC 60904-9 and ASTM E927 standards, yet some features of the equipment belonging to class B may be classified to higher A class, e.g. regarding spectrum of the emitted light or its stability. Hence for example SS150 may be offered as being of ‘mixed’ class ABA (spectrum, homogeneity over illuminated area, stability). Such differentiation enables more flexible price quotations and better adjustment solar simulator technical parameters to user needs and financial capability.

SS50 small

Solar Simulator Model SS50AAA-EM (Electro-Mechanical Control panel), a class A Solar Simulator, with illumination area of 50mm x 50mm, and Air Mass Filter of AM1.5 Global.